Cold and flu symptoms are amongst the most common concerns costumers have, as they can have a negative impact on the development of a normal lifestyle*

What is Isenolic®?
Isenolic® is a premium olive leaf ingredient, standardized to ≥4% elenolic acid (ELA) by HPLC.
Elenolic acid is one of the most important olive secondary metabolites.
It is the main active responsible for the olive leaves longevity and it has shown to inhibit neuraminidase activity*. Several studies have reported that ELA provides antioxidants, promoting immunity, and may help relief cold-like symptoms*.
How does it work?
Olive leaves extract have been related to multiple positive effects helping to reinforce the immune against microbials (specially viruses)*.

Why Isenolic®?
Isenolic® offers an innovative approach for immune support, as it is a natural, traceable, and traditional ingredient that provides with a multi-target mechanism of action*
Our certifications and awards
(*)References available upon request
(*) These statements have not been evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) or other pertinent Regulatory Authority. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.